Researcher and Data Steward, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, CEBI


I work in labor and public economics, doing mainly empirical projects with administrative and survey data. 

My research agenda is focused on late-in-life labor supply specifically, and expectations and behavior in the labor market more generally. 

My key interest is how heterogeneity affects decisions in labor market, with a focus on the interplay between expectations, saving, and labor supply.

Johan Sæverud


Inequality and Dynamics of Earnings and Disposable Income in Denmark 1987-2016

with  Søren Leth-Petersen. Part of the Global Repository of Income Dynamics project.

in Quantitative Economics: Nov, 2022, Volume 13, Issue 4

Download Paper Download Appendix

Inequality in Denmark 1987-2021

with Søren Leth-Petersen. Part of the Deaton Review Country Studies under IFS

in Fiscal Studies: June, 2024, Volume 45, Issue 2

Download Paper


The Impact of Social Security Eligibility and Pension Wealth on Retirement

Read paper

How Worker Productivity and Wages Grow with Tenure and Experience: The Firm Perspective

with Andrew Caplin, Minjoon Lee, Søren Leth-Petersen, and Matthew Shapiro

Read Paper

Communicating Social Security Reform

with Andrew Caplin, Eungik Lee, Søren Leth-Petersen

Read Paper

Subjective Earnings Risk

with Andrew Caplin, Victoria Gregory, Eungik Lee, and Søren Leth-Petersen

R&R at Review of Economic Studies

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Earnings Shocks, Expectations, and Spending

with Eungik Lee

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Taxing the Wealth of the Poor: Evidence from the Danish Old-Age Support Asset Test

with Niels Johannsen and Emmanuel Saez

Accounting for Job-to-Job Moves: Wages versus Values

with Andrew Caplin, Victoria Gregory, Søren Leth-Petersen, Chris Tonetti, and Gianluca Violante


2022 PhD, Economics, University of Copenhagen

2020 MSc, Economics, University of Copenhagen

2016 BSc Economics, University of Copenhagen

2008 BSc in Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

2000 BA, Film & Media Science and Anthropology, University of Copenhagen


2024 - Researcher and Data Steward, Economics, University of Copenhagen

2022 - 2024 Postdoctoral Researcher, Economics, University of Copenhagen

1995 - 2018 Self-employed web developer / graphic designer


2019 TA in Dynamic Programming, University of Copenhagen

2018 TA in Microeconomics III (basic game theory), University of Copenhagen

2006 - 2009 TA in 01005 Math 1 (linear algebra and mathematical analysis), Technical University of Denmark


2024 Seminar Statistics Norway Oslo, Seminar Handelshøyskolen BI Oslo, CESifo Area Conference on Public Economics Munich, CEBI University of Copenhagen, Bristol Meeting on Economic Policy, Annual Conference of EEA-ESEM, Ludwig Erhard ifo Research Seminar (planned), LPP Aarhus University (planned)

2023 Morse Conference University of Maasticht, CoLab University of Copenhagen, CEBI University of Copenhagen

2022 CESifo Area Conference on Public Economics Online, CEPR Public Economics Annual Symposium Stockholm, CEBI University of Copenhagen, Deaton Review Country Studies PSE

2021 University of Copenhagen, Annual Conference of EEA-ESEM Online


Monthly calendar One sheet calendar with five todo items Download


2022 Interview with French TF1 on social security age

2020 Economic Exploratorium #11 on the labor market at University of Copenhagen


Simple Assignment Game A simplified version of the Assignment Game found in this paper.

Read note Code Packages: QuestionPro

Measuring Uncertainty A tool for measuring first and second moment of a probability distribution